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What are hobbies or recreational activities?

A hobby is an activity done voluntarily during one's free time is considered a recreational or leisure activity.

The activity is intended to have fun. It can be compared to recess in the schoolyard after a difficult lesson.

The activity can be individual or in a group. It can be sporting, touristy, cultural, outdoor, etc.

Why are hobbies important?

In addition to pleasure, leisure activity allows:

  • To effectively relieve stress;
  • Promote mental and physical health;
  • Improve the quality of family and social relationships;
  • To make friends;
  • Develop passions;
  • Increase productivity at work;
  • Etc.

It’s up to you to choose the activity that suits you and take the steps to do it.

How can I choose a hobby?

You should know that there are free or inexpensive leisure activities (reading, writing, jogging, trying gardening or camping, etc.) and activities that are very expensive (e.g. travel).

Before going any further, check your budget: can you afford this activity? Does the activity require you to make changes to your budget?

Choose a hobby that suits your financial situation.

There are several criteria to take into consideration when choosing your leisure activity. Here are some examples :

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Make a list of things you loved when you were younger and think about which ones you would like to take back;

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Think about the things that are most valuable to you: relaxing at home, meeting people who have the same passions as you, volunteering, etc.

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Think about your personality traits (patience, creativity, motivation, sociability, etc.) and take them into consideration;

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Try new avenues

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Try several hobbies to find out which one suits you best

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Say yes to activities you would usually refuse

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Visit an arts and crafts store, etc.

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Take a look at a leisure website

What hobbies related goals can I set myself to?

  • I devote at least 60 minutes per week to a hobby
  • I invite a neighbor for coffee every other Saturday
  • Twice a week, I participate in a leisure activity offered in my neighborhood
  • In the summer, I participate in the community garden
  • Three times a year, I do a volunteer activity or get involved in a humanitarian cause in my neighborhood