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Resources refer to various materials or means that are available and can be used to accomplish a task, achieve a goal, or support an activity.

Resources can come in many forms. In this website you will find informational resources and technological resources. Informational resources are information that provide insights, knowledge, and guidance. Technological Resources refers to tools that you can use to perform your tasks efficiently.

Many task that we do require the help of human resources refers to the people who contribute their skills, their knowledge, their labor, and their expertise to a task, a plan, or a project. In the index you can search for one or more human resources you will need to reach your goals.

Using efficiently these resources is crucial for your progress and success in achieving your goals.

Where do you start?

I advance will help you travel through the process of your social reintegration plan (SRP).

Before we start your SRP there are two important aspects you should know:

  • You should be aware of some legal aspects
  • You should have the right documentation

To know more about legal aspects click here

Having the right documentation is an essential first step!

The specific requirements may vary depending on the country and the nature of the offense, but there are some common basic documents that you will need. Click here to have access to the list and the steps to get the right documentation.

My social reintegration plan (SRP)


The 6 key steps to your SRP are the following.

Usually, before you are released from prison, you meet with a case manager, counselor, or social worker, step 1, to assess your needs and circumstances.

This assessment, step 2, might cover various areas of your life, such as community connections, education, employment, family support, housing, mental health, and substance abuse.

Based on the assessment, the case manager, will work with you to identify your specific needs and challenges that you might face upon reentry.

Once the needs are identified, you with the help the case manager will set achievable goals, step 3.

These goals could relate to finding stable housing, securing employment, accessing necessary medical or mental health services, reconnecting with family, or participating in programs that address substance abuse or anger management.

At this point your SRP is created.

Your SRP outlines the specific goals, and the resources and steps that you will take to achieve your goals. You can use your personal SRP template by downloading it here.

The goal setting, step 3, is the foundation of you SRP leading you to step 4.

Step 4 incudes a list of actions, of resources, of services, of strategies, of materials, or tools required to achieve your goals. It may include a timeline, referrals to various community resources, such as job training programs, educational opportunities, counseling services, and support groups.

During the reentry process, you might want to benefit from various forms of support, including access to job placement assistance, vocational training, or.

Connecting with these services can greatly enhance your chances to a successful reintegration.

To help you make the right choices for setting your goals and, for planning the needed resources, you can explore the following different resources and the index to find organizations, programs, services or human resources.

What do you do after creating your SRP?

The SRP is not a one-time thing. You must implement it, step 5, and monitor your progress, step 6.

It is important that you do the apply all the means and resources you have planned to reach your goals! The means and resources will get you to where you want to be!

It is important that you continuously monitor the progress and adjust your SRP as necessary.

Task Management strategies

Moving Forward Task Management

Task management strategies are actions that you take to attain one or more of your goals, and, to complete a task

Use of ICT

Moving Forward Use of ICT

ICT, or Information and Communication Technology, involves using computers and the internet to work, to share and access information, communicate with others

You got there?
Are you where you want to be?
